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Traumatic Brain Injury Prayer for Recovery

By Karen Barber | April 21, 2022

This traumatic brain injury prayer for recovery can be used by family, friends and prayer groups to avail TBI patients of God’s presence and healing power as they go through recovery. Traumatic Brain Injury Prayer for Recovery Dear God our healer, We pray today for _______________ who has suffered a traumatic brain injury. We thank…

God’s Presence During Life Problems Prayer of Gratitude

By Letitia Barnes | April 7, 2022

This prayer of gratitude for God’s presence during life problems changes our perspective as we see how God has used our life problems to help us become closer to Him. God’s Presence During Life Problems Prayer of Gratitude  Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, although You don’t rescue me from the difficulties of life, You stay with…

Spiritual Warfare Prayer Against the Devil’s Attacks Using Scripture

By Karen Barber | April 5, 2022

This Spiritual warfare prayer gives you protection, courage and Scriptures to claim when the devil seems to be attacking you or when you are being attacked by evil schemes.   Scripture references are included so you can look them up. Spiritual Warfare  Prayer Against the Devil’s Attacks and Schemes Using Scripture Dear God, creator and master…

Prayer for Peace Using Scriptures Slide Show

By Karen Barber | March 30, 2022

This Prayer for Peace Using Scriptures is a slide show that you can use in your prayer time or with a group to claim God’s promises and pray them for those who are in war zones and need protection. prayer for peace and end to war from Prayerigniters Other Helpful Articles Prayer for Peace in…

Rock Bottom Prayer Second Chance Prayer

By Karen Barber | March 16, 2022

This Rock Bottom Prayer for a second chance connects us to God’s power to seek help, receive forgiveness and start with a clean slate.  The term rock bottom means being at the lowest possible level possible where there’s nowhere left to go.       Rock Bottom Prayer for a Second Chance God, I’ve hit rock bottom…

Prayer to Overcome Insecurity and Lack of Confidence

By Cheryl Lutz | March 12, 2022

This prayer to overcome insecurity and lack of confidence will help you claim God’s strength and support when you are feeling self-conscious, uncertain and inadequate. Prayer to Overcome Insecurity and Lack of Confidence Father, I come to You in prayer as Your child. Please help me as I am wrestling with insecurity and lack of…