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Creating a Chrismon Tree in Your Home

By Karen Barber | December 14, 2011

Chrismon Trees are often used in churches using white and gold handmade ornaments that represent different symbols of our faith and the life of Christ.  This video shows you how to create a similar tree in your home using items you can buy at the discount store, easily create or even find at a garage…

How to Make a Christmas Prayer Decor Using Icons

By Karen Barber | December 13, 2011

With all of the busyness of the Christmas season, it’s good to include in your decorating plans a small area that provides a sanctuary for prayer and meditation.  This video shows you how to use religious icons which are religious paintings that are highly symbolic and cause us to think about the Divine.  Come into…

Praying Your “To Do” List

By revgreg13 | December 13, 2011

What to do with Your “To Do” List  Living can be stressful enough on its own with all we have to get done every day, and even more so when we try to make things happen that are beyond our control.  Here’s a great way to pray that will allow you to find release and…

A Christmas Prayer for Joy

By Karen Barber | December 11, 2011

Are you finding it hard to find joy in your life this Christmas?  During Christmas we expect to have fun, be with friends and family and feel happy.  Yet often we find ourselves depressed, lonely, stressed out and worried.  Here is a prayer for your for the kind of Christmas joy that transcends our let-down…

Final Exams Prayer

By Karen Barber | December 11, 2011

Final exams are extremely stressful and everyone can use God’s help.  Here’s a prayer that you can make your own during finals to ask God for His help.  Use it yourself or pass it on to someone who needs it. My Prayer During Final Exams God, thanks for the giving me the ability to learn…

“Completion” – A Parent’s Prayer of Grateful Love

By Tracy Groover | December 5, 2011

This prayer poem helps us express our wonder at the deep feelings of love and connection God creates in our hearts with our children, a love that we really never comprehended until becoming a parent.  This was written by Tracy Groover when her son Joey was less than a year old as she meditated on…