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Feeling Unworthy to Pray or Ask
Sometimes when we pray we think we need to do things to earn God’s favor. While nothing can ever stop the Father from caring for and loving you, nothing you can ever do can qualify you for that love. “I’m absolutely convinced that nothing – nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow,…
Waiting for Answers
Have you been praying for something for so long, you are about to give up? It is difficult to ‘wait on the Lord’ for renewal and answers. Jesus said, ‘I am the Road, the Truth and the Life. No one can get to the Father apart form me.” John 14:6 (The Message) Why do we…
Weakness and Helplessness
There is nothing attractive in the state of helplessness. But thankfully it can be used to make prayer very attractive. I’ve been the balloon full of air, only to find out I am not tied properly, and the air I am projecting is hurling me against walls. I’ve seen the bottom of my checking account…
Praying for the Wrong Thing
While my son was praying that God would get him a pet snake, I was praying that no snakes of any sort would ever be in this house! So, you think they’re pretty? I don’t. Never even considered them ‘pretty’ till I had my first little boy, who pointed out the ‘beauty angle’. “Can I…
Not Enough Time to Concentrate on Prayer
There was no time to pray this morning. Happens a lot. But I know, the minute I hit freeway gridlock, my prayer-life will take on new wings. Goes something like this: Turning down the car radio, I grip more tightly to the wheel. “Dear Lord (I begin), thank you for my family (I name them…